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El Paso, TX, United States
Still Wondering What's Next? Anything at Anytime (I) has/have had a rough start to the year. Sorry for the delays in Posts and I Promise to do better. No Excuses as Life Must GO ON! So Keep an Eye Open... Oh, if you would like to follow on Twitter I am @DanWins2007.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Dedication II and Music Mondaze

Anything at Anytime is combining two things today.

Memorial Day Dedication and Music Mondaze.

In the Late 80's and Early 90's I was in the U.S. Navy on board the U.S.S. Sierra AD-18 stationed in Charleston S.C. (Beautiful area if you ever get a chance to visit, Do.) and it was a common practice for those of us not from the area and without families near, to visit the Sports Bar on Base just to get away from the Ships and relax a bit.

I remember when this Song came out and the reaction that was had by all, ALL of us in the Bar every single time this was Played.  It didn't matter if this Song was played 10 times a night (and to my memory I never recall it being played THAT many times in a night) but every time it was played, EVERYTHING STOPPED!
Not a Sound in the Bar, Every Person (male, female, Civilian, Sailor, Soldier, Airmen, or Marine) all Stood and listened.
There were many occasions that there were tears in eyes and I am proud to say on a few of those occasions I was one.

So, Today's Music Mondaze is Dedicated to:

Those that Were,
Those that Are,
Those that Will Be,

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The Video is Different from what it was back then, but it doesn't change the song.

Please, if you know of one or many that Served, or are Serving, Leave their Name and Service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and any I missed) So that We All may THANK THEM.

And Pass this Along so that others my stop in and leave Names of THOSE to be Remembered.

Hope you ALL have a GREAT week!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How did this Happen!?!?

I Don't know How?!

I Don't know Why!?!

But It Did........


Time has pulled one of it STUNTS again and the Clock has Moved from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day....... You get the picture... Right?

If you don't, let me show you:

May of last Year -

May of this Year -

From Then to Now -

I know -- it doesn't look like much -- but it IS Traffic...... LOL

You may be wondering why I am showing you all this today??????

Well, Today is Anything at Anytime's 1st Birthday!

Yes, Anything at Anytime Turns 1 today!

I may have missed Mothers' Day and God knows what else...... But, I am not missing out on Anything at Anytime's First Birthday.

It has taken a year to get this far and in that year many, many things have happened.
It has been an interesting journey to say the least.

I have met (not in person) many new people.
Shared, Laughed, and Cried with some of them it has enriched me all the more.

I Thank You all for helping me get Anything at Anytime to this point.

Anything at Anytime is Almost at 100 followers (a Goal that at times seems unreachable, LOL), Comments are nearing the 1000 mark (I know that doesn't seem like much, but then again almost 1000 things said by others is a bunch).

There have been approximately 8200 visits to the site,
21600+ page views,
85+ following on RSS feeds,
Several "Face Lifts" and adjustments to the site - some because I thought they looked good, others at suggestions, and all for the better, I Think.
Some Good Writings and some Real Stinkers
Being sick and hurt Frequently, hasn't helped much, But....... Anything at Anytime is still here and will be!

So, Today I raise a Cup of the Bloggers Life Blood (Coffee) in Toast and Thanks for those that helped us get to where we could Celebrate Anything at Anytime's 1st Birthday.

May many more Years and Readers come.

Hope you ALL are having a Good Day!?!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Music Mondaze #8

Anything at Anytime is starting the Music Mondaze again and today I was/am just in a Billy Joel kind of Mood.

He has one I really Adore because it fits me and my girls and when I find it I will get it up here;
Enjoy both of these as they are Good Music and I enjoy just listening to him.......

Good Clean Music.

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Create a playlist at MixPod.com

Hope you all have a Fantastic Week!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not what Was Expected or Hoped for ---

Anything at Anytime ( I ) have been a disappointment so far this year.

I started the year with HIGH hopes and dreams -- they are still there but to accomplish them is going to be tight now.

It has been one minor episode after another minor episode and I just wonder what the rest of this year will bring if it is anything like this first half?

"ROUGH" is an understatement at best.

I have been sick every time I turn around and as this blog can attest to the fact, I have had NO ENERGY to spare.

This last episode "takes the cake"!

Not to give you To Much Information but it started the day of my previous post.
I didn't think much of a few minor Hemorrhoids but they happened and weren't minor -- MAJOR is a lite description as I am still dealing with them even today.

If that was All, I think you all could imagine how difficult it would be to sit at a chair and computer trying to type something up to share and be Me with you all.......


Apparently, somewhere in this mess I caused myself some other issues.
I went to my Primary Dr. Yesterday because of still dealing with the Hs and had pains from my hips down and they have become unbearable - Hard to move when your hips, knees, ankles and muscles are all sore.

Well, I got in to see him (finally, and that is a story for another day) and as we were talking and getting him updated, of course I couldn't sit down, he asked why I was moving and wasn't sitting.
Then we got into the checkup.

Your not going to believe this, I can barely believe it.
My ASS is so strong that in the strain of certain matters - I Cracked my Tail Bone!

No Wonder I found it hard sitting down for more than 2 mins in any one position!

Anyway - Thanks to the miracle of Tylenol 3 (Codeine) I can sit.....
Sans - Today getting a post.

So, I beg of you to bear with me as I get back to normal and back to trying to make this a Good/Great Year here at Anything at Anytime?

When life gives you Lemons?
Make Lemonade

When life throws you Curve balls?
Knock the Freaking Cover off of the ball!

Hoping You All have a Good Day!

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