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El Paso, TX, United States
Still Wondering What's Next? Anything at Anytime (I) has/have had a rough start to the year. Sorry for the delays in Posts and I Promise to do better. No Excuses as Life Must GO ON! So Keep an Eye Open... Oh, if you would like to follow on Twitter I am @DanWins2007.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

I took part in that! Week 1

Since it is Sunday, I figured to keep this simple with something that just might become a regular thing here.

Something I hope you can All say "I took part in that."  (You know, that looks good for the title!)

So a quick little bit on how "Anything at Anytime" has done this week on the World Map. 
What you see below is a "snip-it" (a program in the accessories of Windows 7, basically a drag and size screen shot cutter that is so simple to use) of the Google Analytics map for "Anything at Anytime" Blog. 

I think we (you and I) have had a Fantastic 1st Week.  As you can see on the map the Biggest Circle is in the United States and that is here in El Paso.  That Circle represents 52 visits.  Out of those 52 visits 25-30 were my visits (you would expect that as I view everything once I have posted in order to make sure it all Looks good).  So we (you and I) can see the true numbers I will use 30 as my visit count. 

In the Lower left corner you see the 181 total visits minus my 30  means 151 visits from across the world.  Truly not Killer numbers.  For a First week,  Fantastic numbers!!!!!!!  So Look at the map and see where you are: 

Now we can all work on this together and see how full we can get the map.  As you can see we are spreading across the map, now it is just a matter of telling others. 

Any Suggestions on what this Weeks Goal should be?

Looking forward to us connecting around the Globe!

Not to mention More followers would be nice.  (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)

Thank You All for a Great week in my opinion.


  1. haha its funny to look at that map and know the orange circle on brisbane is me.

  2. Very cool, very cool indeed. How about a suggestion for topic "I believe" Wide open I know but it's just a suggestion.

  3. My orange blob will shift from Belgium to London from Tuesday. That's all very exciting to me!

  4. The UK has sunk under a sea f orange, I suspect I'm the top spot!


I have made a change and removed the word verification and your comments will go right up; HOWEVER, if I think it will "OFFEND" my other readers it will be removed.

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