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El Paso, TX, United States
Still Wondering What's Next? Anything at Anytime (I) has/have had a rough start to the year. Sorry for the delays in Posts and I Promise to do better. No Excuses as Life Must GO ON! So Keep an Eye Open... Oh, if you would like to follow on Twitter I am @DanWins2007.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The devouring of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Today has been spent making comments in the Discussion board, drinking coffee, reading a few blogs, making a few comments and trying to think about what I would write about today. 

Well, first and foremost I have a couple new followers and have had a few visits to add a new flag or two to my flag counter.  So welcome to the new followers and hopefully I keep you all entertained a little. 

Now, I am going to try something here, something a little different. 

First thing this is not, repeat NOT and advertisement but it they want to pay me for this they can.  LOL

The devouring of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Unwrapping the individual Reese's PBC brings the aroma of a nice chocolate and my taste buds are already starting to buzz. 
Have not even gotten it into my mouth for the first bite and I can already taste the chocolate and peanut butter contrast.  MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm

Taking off that little black wrapper, that is like a mini mini cupcake holder, little bits of chocolate escape or fall off of the Reese's PBC.
Can't let those go to waste have to saviour each one as the chocolate melts in the mouth.  MMMmmmm
Almost like a movie preview but better, better because in a movie preview you get most of the action there and the rest of the movie is filler,  but this is better Oh SO MUCH BETTER because you know that the experience you just had with those little bits of chocolate are just the beginning of tasteful bliss.......MMMMmmmmmmm

OHHHHhhhhhh Now comes the first bite that first true bite into Chocolate Peanut Butter heaven.  The difference between the two as you taste them, experience them exploding flavor all over your mouth.  MmmmMMmmmm

Then the next bite you feel it all again, and Again, and AGAin, and AGAIN!!!!!!!!!   MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!

Its all gone!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know where I am stopping on the way home tomorrow.


  1. Peanut butter and chocolate. Great combo don't you think? Heaven inside your mouth, taste buds, brain teaser. But for us women we can only limit ourselves to them once in a while. It adds unwanted extra curves that we don't like!!!

  2. Interesting description, sounds like you enjoy Reese's peanut butter cups ALOT.

  3. Yes, I have to agree that those little chocolates give me mini taste bud orgasms every time.

  4. We don't get them, American chocolate is strange but good.

  5. I totally understand how you feel. I feel this way everytime I eat anything chocolate.

  6. That sounds so good. Thanks to you now I'm craving one. I might even go out and buy one right now!


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