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El Paso, TX, United States
Still Wondering What's Next? Anything at Anytime (I) has/have had a rough start to the year. Sorry for the delays in Posts and I Promise to do better. No Excuses as Life Must GO ON! So Keep an Eye Open... Oh, if you would like to follow on Twitter I am @DanWins2007.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I know, today's post is a tad late in the day!

No excuses available so I wont use any.  Just suffice it to say here it is.

I think,

I write,

I tend to delay,

Eventually I do,
          what needs to be done!

You go,

You think,

You read,

You run,
          Then your done!

and Tomorrow

Tomorrow We all do it again.

by me today.

A little different.  Would appreciate suggestions for a Title.
Oh, don't forget to vote on "Topic Word" - the Letter is Q and the words are in the previous post.


  1. Procrastinators unite tomorrow!
    ...wait ...what?

  2. E,D,and J all discussed an idea for a title and came up with Life's a Rerun. Because we always seem to be doing the same thing everyday.


I have made a change and removed the word verification and your comments will go right up; HOWEVER, if I think it will "OFFEND" my other readers it will be removed.

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