Anything at Anytime - Yeap, I think I have done a good job at that so far.
You ready for it again?
By now all of you that read Anything at Anytime regularly already know I have Later Stage Emphysema and have been on Oxygen 24/7 (most of the time) for about a year and a half now.
Several of you have commented about my Upbeat approach to things and told me here, in comments, or in the Coffee Shop about it.
Glad you all see it because sometimes it is a Real "Royal Pain in the A*$!"
Some days more than others are a B#tc& to breath and it is difficult to keep it up, the attitude, but I do.
I have to, no choice in the matter. No choice because there basically is only two choices - Keep going or Quit. I have Quit a few times in my life and I can tell you I don't like the taste. It is "Sour and leaves a bad aftertaste" is an understatement. So I truly only have one choice.
At this point you are probably asking yourself, "Where is he going today? Has he finally gone off the High Dive in the Shallow End of the Pool?"
No, I haven't.
Something I learned a while back, a good bit back, keeps me going. It should keep all of us going but not many have seen or been in a position to learn the secret. Yes, it is a secret, but it shouldn't be. We all know it but nobody pays attention to it. Actually it is a combination of two things. Well, for me it is a combination of two things. Maybe that is why I look at things the way I do sometimes now.
You see, Death and I have a unique relationship. He has knocked at my door a few times and each time I have said "SCREW OFF!" (I just used another word to start that statement, but basically the same thing only 4 letters not 5.) There in is where and what my secret does for me.
Still confused?
Yeah, I know - I'm a "Shit" keeping you wondering what my point is. Just keeping you on your toes.
See, Today I am Celebrating.
Yes, Celebrating!
Today I put another year on my Gravestone.
I know, I can feel the looks on your Faces.
Today is my Birthday. Another year older - hence, "another year on my Gravestone."
No, I am not being morbid. This also is part of the secret.
Come here....... Come on....... Closer.......Closer......
Eventually we all die. Really!?! One of the few things that Everyone Shares. We all Die someday.
No, not on the same day but on any day. You or I or someone we know could die later today or tomorrow or next week or next month etc.... Get the idea?
Here is the first part of the secret -
If I can die at anytime, Why Worry? Enjoy EVERYTHING! Even the BAD! Enjoy B#tc&ing about it and complaining about the bad. Enjoy the GOOD! Absorb the GOOD. Soak it in to your Core and the BAD won't be quite that bad.
Faith helps (doesn't matter what Faith). Faith gives you something to grip onto and see what has been placed before you.
*grabbing your collar and pulling you back*
That is not all!
The second part of the secret-
This one is easy, I have said it before. I Don't have time for BULLSHIT! Keep it to yourself, don't waste MY TIME with BULLSHIT!
So, here is my secret in an easier form: I do not accept Bullshit or have time for it because I want to ENJOY Every Moment I have left to me. I could Die tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or anytime between now and the next 30 years; and I want to Experience EVERYTHING I can and ENJOY it ALL!
When you are put in a position that You Must look at your mortality it makes you think of things in a totally different light.
*back to normal now*
I don't like how Death dealt me the cards (my Love for Poker had to come in here somewhere) this time around; however, I am grateful that My eyes have been opened and I can View things from a different perspective and Enjoy most Everything now.
Now, I get to tell you -- Open your eyes and look at things from the stand point of "Tomorrow could be your last day" MAKE the best of what you have got. Just Don't let BULLSHIT get in your way. You don't have time for it.
Therefore - I Celebrate another year on my Gravestone and Letting Death know I still get to Enjoy Life another day.
My Eyes are open and I SEE.
Happy Birthday to Me!
Understanding the Intersection of Dyslexia and Giftedness: A Comprehensive
Dyslexia, often perceived through a narrow lens of reading challenges, is a
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and so...
11 months ago